Reflexology is a deeply relaxing non-invasive therapy. It can be very effective in reducing stress and promoting wellbeing. Reflexology is based on the theory that the soles of the feet, the hands and the face are a mirror image of the body and that every organ and system in the body has a reflex point on the feet, hands and face. By working on these points we are stimulating the various systems and organs in the body and easing tension.
By incorporating the use of a thai foot stick and gua sha crystals into some of my reflexology sessions, I find that these can provide very precise point stimulation, and is particularly effective when working on the sinus, lung and shoulder areas.
While all reflexology treatments can be very relaxing and/or simulating, because of its proximity to the brain and the central nervous system, facial reflexology is very relaxing and great for “clearing the mind”.
Reflexology can be used for many specific conditions and some of the ones I use are for:
Hormone & Fertility issues
Fertility or infertility can be for a varied number of reasons. Both parties may have had to deal with numerous and varied tests and many different professionals.
During the menopause and perimenopause, the symptoms can be varied and differ in intensity.
Using a combination of reflexology, phytobiophysics, CST and energy healing if required, I concentrate on the lymphatic, immune, neurological and endocrine systems, to try and reduce stress, rebalance hormones and deal with any other issues which may come to light.
I find that bringing a combination of therapies to complex issues can give given very positive results.
Reflexology alone or as a combination treatment, can provide help with:
Polycystic ovaries
Cervical problems
Adhesions (more commonly known as scar tissue)
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Premenstrual syndrome
Hormonal imbalances
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
Endometriosis, and menstrual problems
Maternity Reflexology
Reflexology is one of the most popular complementary therapies used during pregnancy because it improves general well-being, energy and promotes balance. Women who receive reflexology during their pregnancy can experience shorter labour times and less need for painkillers, it can be used to help with symptoms of:
Morning sickness
Constipation and indigestion
for general aches and pains, sciatica, and back ache
For relaxing.
Fluid retention. I have found that by including some reflexology lymphatic drainage into a session, this benefits my clients greatly with easing the discomfort and puffiness they feel in their feet. This can be especially so when they are nearly at full term.
For all clients who have had a course of reflexology treatments during their pregnancy with me, I offer a complimentary session for both mum and baby following delivery.
Lymphatic Drainage - Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)
(RLD) is an award-winning reflexology technique which supports lymphoedema sufferers. It was researched and developed by Sally Kay BSc (Hons) a nurse who worked in a MLD clinic in Cardiff University Hospital. Through her study, development, and treatment of breast cancer patients with secondary lymphoedema, it was found there was a considerable reduction in the volume of fluid being retained in the limb, after one of more RLD treatments.
Research and case studies have now shown RLD to be of benefit to anyone with Lymphoedema both primary and secondary.
Using very light touch RLD focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet to help reduce swelling and the effects of lymphoedema in the upper area of the body. It has also been found to be very beneficial for other inflammatory and congestion issues. I have found that RLD can be incorporated into most reflexology sessions where any inflammation or congestion is found, with excellent results.
As the lymphatic system is a major part of our immune system, RLD helps to eliminate waste and toxins and boosts our overall sense of well-being.
Reflexology in Cancer Care
For anyone receiving a diagnosis of cancer, regardless of the prognosis, this can be devastating on a physical, mental and emotional level. Telling family and friends can also be very traumatic.
With reflexology in cancer care, I try to provide my clients with reassurance and comfort, and a safe space at a time in their lives when they can be feeling completely vulnerable, fearful and overwhelmed. A reflexology treatment can help support my clients through their treatments and also boosting their immune system.
Reflexology can be carried out throughout most cancer treatments and if there is any doubt I will always ask the client to check with their medical team.
Reflexology can be helpful with:
Stress & Anxiety.
Hormone & nausea issues.
Pre and post-surgery issues
Natural Face Lift
The first thing that anyone can see is our face, it shows when we are happy, but it can also show when we are stressed, overworked, worried etc., this can have an aging effect on our faces. With the natural facelift massage, this incorporates massage of the face, including stimulation of the reflex points, facial cupping to boost the blood and fluid flow to the skin and to drain away toxins, acu-pen to stimulate the facial and neck muscles and gua sha tool to smooth and relax the skin. This leaves my clients feeling “so chilled”, “so relaxed”, “feel so good”. Just a few of the many wonderful quotes from my clients following this treatment. See Natural Face lift under therapies above.
Sinus Treatment
Sinus congestion can be the cause of severe headaches, facial pain, and even upset stomach. These can arise at different times throughout the year with a high pollen count, grass cutting, changing of the seasons, or numerous other reasons.
This treatment has been specially tailored to deal with these problems. See holistic sinus treatment under therapies above.
Reflexology is suitable for all ages and can bring relief from a wide range of conditions. To find out more information or if you have queries feel free to give me a call.